A quick search shows me that Rutherford started to link "witnesses" and "God's name" with the January 1, 1925 Watchtower.
unlike the fonz, i can and do get things wrong..
the 1946 book let god be true ascribed the name jehovahs witnesses to the great multitude:.
page 232 of the 1952 edition.
A quick search shows me that Rutherford started to link "witnesses" and "God's name" with the January 1, 1925 Watchtower.
unlike the fonz, i can and do get things wrong..
the 1946 book let god be true ascribed the name jehovahs witnesses to the great multitude:.
page 232 of the 1952 edition.
I notice that the return of the Jews to Palestine consistently figured as a feature up until 1930. (See: Light (Book 1), page 140, published 1930).
I also notice that in 1931, when Rutherford introduced his "Jehovah's witness" name to the "little flock", that at the very same time, he said that the Jews return to Palestine had nothing to do with God’s Word. (See: Vindication, Book One, page 206, published 1931)
The following year, he said that all Biblical references to Israel and the Jews actually applied to “God’s anointed remnant” (See: Vindication, Book Two, page 113, 1932)
up until 1954, the watch tower society said that the symbolism of the memorial loaf included the little flock and that the wine represented their sharing in jesus death.
(one example: the loaf pictures not jesus fleshly body but his body members, the christian congregation.
the watchtower, march 15, 1954, page 174).
Up until 1954, the Watch Tower Society said that the symbolism of the Memorial Loaf included the “little flock” and that the wine represented their sharing in Jesus’ death. (One example: “The loaf pictures not Jesus’ fleshly body but his body members, the Christian congregation.” The Watchtower, March 15, 1954, page 174)
I am not aware of a relevant statement in any 1955 Watchtower.
In the following year, The Watchtower announced a complete reversal: “The one unleavened loaf does not symbolize this ‘one body’ under Jesus. That loaf symbolizes the human body that Jesus sacrificed.” (The Watchtower, January 15, 1956, page 56). That particular article makes a several similar statements.
For some reason, the Watch Tower Society recently felt it necessary to acknowledge they had made this change: “At one time, God’s servants felt that … the bread meant “the body of the Christ,” the congregation of anointed ones. In time, however, it was appreciated that both reason and Scripture indicate that the bread represents Jesus’ human body. … Thus, at the Lord’s Evening Meal, the bread represents that physical body in which Jesus ‘bore our sins’.” (The Watchtower, December 15, 2013, page 25)
this is a topic i think every ex jw should have oppurtunity to contribute toward .. it has been 144 years since c.t.russell first published "zions watchtower and herald of christs presence" in 1879 .. red flag 1 " zions watchtower " ?
obviously c.t.russell had sympathy with the zionist movement of the day.. "christs presence" in 1879 ?
that is right and armageddon was to occur in 1914.. when that did not occur 1916-18 was promoted.
What Russell wrote in The Watch Tower magazine of November 1914 shows his focus:
Gradually the Jewish people have been emerging from their down-trodden condition—persecuted for eighteen centuries. The time is here when the message has been and is still being delivered to them, as recorded in Isaiah 40:1, 2: “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.–Isaiah 40:1, 2. This prophecy was fulfilled, as pointed out in the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, in the year 1878; and ever since that time, the star of Judaism has been rising; the Jews have become more prosperous ever since, as they themselves realize. Nowhere have they been so prosperous as in these United States, where they have received their greatest blessing; while in Russia and Germany they have been persecuted to some extent, but not in the same degree as formerly.
The treading down of the Jews has stopped. All over the world the Jews are now free—even in Russia. On September 5, the Czar of Russia issued a proclamation to all the Jews of the Russian Empire; and this was before the times of the Gentiles had expired. It stated that the Jews might have access to the highest rank in the Russian army, and that the Jewish religion was to have the same freedom as any other religion in Russia. Where are the Jews being trodden down now? Where are they being subjected to scorn? At present they are receiving no persecution whatever. We believe that the treading down of Jerusalem has ceased, because the time for the Gentiles to tread down Israel has ended. (The Watch Tower and herald of Christ’s Presence, November 1, 1914, reprints page 5567)
this is a topic i think every ex jw should have oppurtunity to contribute toward .. it has been 144 years since c.t.russell first published "zions watchtower and herald of christs presence" in 1879 .. red flag 1 " zions watchtower " ?
obviously c.t.russell had sympathy with the zionist movement of the day.. "christs presence" in 1879 ?
that is right and armageddon was to occur in 1914.. when that did not occur 1916-18 was promoted.
Russell was a Zionist before Herzl came on the scene. If you want detailed information, I suggest: "Pastor Charles Taze Russell: An early American Christian Zionist" by David Horowitz.
Russell's position was that Leviticus 26 showed that Jerusalem and the Jews would be downtrodden for 7 "times" ending in 1914, at which time God would return Jerusalem and Jews to favor. In parallel, the madness of Nebuchadnezzar at Daniel 4 showed the "mad" state of the Gentiles, which would also end in 1914. These were two parallel periods.
Russell also said that the Church (his people) would be "changed" to the High Calling before the Jews became the dominant power on earth. He thus saw two parallel salvations: one for his followers, the other for the Jews.
Rutherford said that the return of Jews to Palestine was a sign of the 1874 Presence. He ditched the idea in 1931, at the same time that he said the Anointed were to be known as "Jehovah's witnesses". It took another 15 years before the name "Jehovah's witnesses" was extended to the "great multitude".
and if so, does this mean that adam had already invented a timetable, and calendar?
hi,i would like to locate a book that is referred to several times on the www:holman linear bible with watchtower study helps (published in 1901)thanks,doug
as a visit to my site shows, i do not charge for my studies, and i never shall.. http://www.jwstudies.com/.
while conducting a search on the www, i came across a site that provides a wide range of material.
searching that site for terms such as "watchtower" i was shocked and disappointed to see that they are charging a cost for some of my studies.. i assure everyone that i do not know who these people are, nor do i receive any money from them.. the site is: http://theclassics.us/.
As a visit to my site shows, I do not charge for my Studies, and I never shall.
While conducting a search on the www, I came across a site that provides a wide range of material. Searching that site for terms such as "Watchtower" I was shocked and disappointed to see that they are charging a cost for some of my Studies.
I assure everyone that I do not know who these people are, nor do I receive any money from them.
the site is: http://theclassics.us/
couple of weeks ago an elder took a young man aside and crawled all over him after the tms for wearing a "skinny" tie.
it was one of those 2 inch wide ties.
nothing bright or scandalous about.
Next we'll have pictures in The Watchtower mag showing Jesus and Jehovah wearing wide ties.
jeroboam built high places for calve worship, created his own priests, created his own sacred day of worship, and was just all around a bad man.
1 kings chapter 12.
man of god did not engage in false worship, did not have tons of money, did not have a harem of beautiful women, and did not have the power of a kingdom.
To understand the story, which I have not studied, approach it for what it was originally intended - propaganda produced at the time of the neo-Babylonian exile. 1 Kings is part of the series of writings they produced, starting with Deuteronomy.
The people who wrote these accounts decided what and who was "good" or "bad" according to their own religious political views. Thus a king was "bad" (such as those of the Northern kingdom of Israel) when he did not support the political ambitions of the priests who wanted Jerusalem to be the centre of worship.
So if this is a parable, it needs to be understood in the light of the times, where barely anyone could read and even fewer could write, normally the scribes, so a shrivelled hand could easily have had a meaning to them in that context. Who knows? I am only guessing.